Social Justice & Community



In another life,
we are the sisters we always wanted,
and the friends we dreamed of having.


from En Otra Vida, by Ruby Morales


“This poem describes my own personal desire to have a better relationship with my mother as well as a wish I have for others who have experienced similar events and outcomes as I’ve seen my own family deal with. Due to cycles of violence and other hardships, the women in my life, mother, grandmothers, aunts, and cousins have experienced life events that have created emotional blockages that prevent a greater connection. The anger and hurt has prevented me from having beautiful relationships. Sometimes I see older women like my own mother and envision them as little girls playing and being carefree in a time when maybe these problems were irrelevant. I dream of this imaginary place where my mother and I are the same age and we are true friends who understand each other and support one another. This poem is dedicated to those who yearn for a different reality with their mothers and other family members.”


En otra vida,
somos las hermanas que siempre quisimos,
y las amigas que soñábamos tener.


un poema, “En Otra Vida” de Ruby Morales


“Este poema describe mi propio deseo personal de tener una mejor relación con mi madre. También es un deseo que tengo para otras personas que han sobrevivido eventos y resultados similares a los que he visto en mi propia familia. Por ciclos de violencia y otras dificultades, las mujeres en mi vida, mi madre, abuelas, tías y primas, han tenido bloqueos emocionales que no dejan tener conexiones más profundas. A veces veo a mujeres mayores como mi propia madre y las imagino como niñas jugando y sin preocupaciones en un momento en que quizás sus problemas ya no importan. Sueño en este lugar imaginario donde mi madre y yo tenemos la misma edad y somos verdaderas amigas que nos entendemos y nos apoyamos. Este poema está dedicado a aquellos que desean una realidad diferente con sus madres y otros miembros de la familia.” – Ruby Morales


“En Otra Vida”
Ruby Morales
2.5 x 8 feet
Digital Illustration


“En Otra Vida” is three of twelve (12) banners in the “She is More” Series, an East San Jose Artist Residency. This temporary installation is created with the support of the ¡Si Se Puede Collective! and Abierto Program, a City of San Jose initiative that funds artistic activations of San Jose public spaces.

Designed by Ruby Morales, visual artist


Ruby Morales